Friday, December 2, 2011

The Time Has Changed, And So Have I

Well, It's been a while. It's been three months or so. I really can't say I'm sorry for my lack of posts, because I'm not. My life has been a roller coaster the past few months and blogging just hasn't been a priority. Actually, blogging hasn't been anything at all. Not to me.
I'm trying to find an interest in doing it again, but it's very hard. Especially just to blog about fashion and style. It's not something that really interests me anymore. What was once all that I cared about, now means nothing. I want to continue to blog, but I want to blog about other things. Things that I care about now. Sure, I might do an outfit post every now and then, but I want to use my blog for something more than that. What that is, I haven't quite figured it out yet.
Maybe I'll use it for business purposes, as I am trying to work my way into becoming a photographer. Maybe I'll use it as a journal of my daily life. Maybe I'll use it for DIY's. Maybe I'll do a little bit of everything, make it controversial. Who knows. I guess time will tell.
For now, I'd rather not expand on all of the ins and outs of my life. Maybe I'll do that in the days to come. I just really wanted to use this post to tell all of my readers, and myself, that I'm coming back. I may not keep up with my blog every day like I used to. Probably not even every other day. But, I'm in desperate need of a creative outlet right now. Might as well use this ole blog, no matter how often I post.
I don't want to make this too long. Most everyone who reads this post probably won't even take the time to fully read it. But that's okay. I'm not taking too much time to type it. I'll be back in the coming days. Maybe I'll share some of my most recent photography with you all? We'll see.

Until next time,


Yasmeen said...

:( I hope everything is okay. And my advice is you should blog if it makes you happy. Don't force! I take huge breaks from my blog during exams and stressful times. So, yea, no worries. <3 Best wishes.

Wholesale freshwater Pearl said...

Nice blog for study but I'm not taking too much time to type it.

Tube Beads said...

Our life has been a roller coaster so be happy.

visalus said...

I know once a time everything will be ok.